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DuraVent PelletVent Pro Wall Thimble

DuraVent PelletVent Pro Wall Thimble

Regular price $ 118.90 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 118.90 USD
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The DuraVent PelletVent Pro Wall Thimble is used to provide the necessary clearance and safe passage for the PelletVent Pro Pipe when passing through a combustible wall for through-the-wall installations. The Wall Thimble is equipped with an insulating ring that will help prevent air infiltration from entering the home around the pipe. The Wall Thimble fits nicely between standard wall framing construction preventing the need to make any major changes to structure.

The interior firestop is painted black and the exterior firestop is galvalume. The Wall Thimble is able to adjust to accommodate a wall thickness between 4" and 8".

Note: The Wall Thimble should only be used for horizontal through the wall installations.

Measurement Chart:

DuraVent PelletVent Pro Wall Thimble
Size 3" 4"
A 3 3/4" 4 3/4"
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