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DuraVent Pipe Masonry Thimble Adapter

DuraVent Pipe Masonry Thimble Adapter

Regular price $ 137.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 137.99 USD
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The DuraVent Pellet Pipe Masonry Thimble Adapter is used to connect a flexible chimney liner tee snout to the DuraVent Pellet Pipe. The Masonry Adapter fits into a masonry thimble and has a black trim plate which provides a nice finished look on the appliance side. The other end connects to the flexible chimney liner tee snout for a direct connection. Available to fit 6", 7", or 8" diameter thimble holes and can connect to either a 3" or 4" flex liner tee snout. The collar at the end of the trim plate will connect directly to the DuraVent Pellet Pipe.

Measurement Chart:

DuraVent Masonry Adapter

Connects 3” DuraVent to 3” Flex Liner

6” Masonry 7” Masonry 8” Masonry
A 3.75” 3.75” 3.75”
B 3” 3” 3”
C 5.9” 6.9” 7.9”
D 9” 10” 11”
E 8” 8” 8”

Connects 4” DuraVent to 4” Flex Liner

6” Masonry 7” Masonry 8” Masonry
A 4.75” 4.75” 4.75”
B 4” 4” 4”
C 5.9” 6.9” 7.9”
D 9” 10” 11”
E 8” 8” 8”

*Due to many variables beyond our control, the installer should check actual parts for final dimensions.

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